this post was submitted on 27 Feb 2025
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[–] 24 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Chat control, Sweden with Signal, now this BS. What the hell EU? Nobody believes that this crap is to protect children or now to "catch narcos". I really wonder what is this about. In the spanish Constitution we have an article that is supposed to protect us from this, and still they were one of the countries pushing the chat control to happen.

[–] 3 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

Ok so I'm going to get hated for that, but trust me, this is just me being naive and knowing nothing about many subjects. But so, as much as this law can get into excesses and seems really bad, and I clearly don't want it, is it possible to balance the debate and say, objectively, that this can actually be help to help stop narcos which are getting a bit out of hand? Again, I'm leaning left, but I like to see both sides, I think nobody is ever 100% wrong, so I'm wondering what people think about it.

[–] 3 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

What I think is that it won't matter to them because narcos and other predators will just change the methods they use to communicate, and for the rest we will be left with this backdoor that could go wrong in so many ways and the mass of people can't change that easily their methods of communication.

[–] 2 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)

that is a strategy; to force organised crime onto other networks and off the all too effective public encrypted networks

to make them easier to identify and track

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