The only manned submersible that could reach the missing Titan is owned by Steam's Gabe Newell
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A bit of trivia for folks, GabeN's sub is named after a ship called the Limiting Factor from Iain M. Bank's absolutely wonderful book, The Player of Games. All of the subs that Triton Submersibles make are named after ships in the Culture series of books. I'd highly recommend checking them out, although don't start with Consider Phlebas, I consider The Player of Games to be a better entry point into the series.
Off topic, but I figured I'd share anyways.
EDIT: the SpaceX landing barges are also named after Culture ships.
This is such a cool tidbit of info, thanks for sharing. I'll have to give that series a look.
edit. So is you're recommended read order - book 2, then 1, then on to 3?
Some folks say something like that, others say to save book 1 for later. It's not 1 long arc, each book is an independent story with new characters in the same universe.