I mean this completely apolitically - has anyone ever seen Hunter Biden and Jordan Peterson in the same place at the same time?
Breaking news and current events worldwide.
The president can pardon any federal charge.
You can't be pardoned until you're convicted.
Unfortunately not true; Trump pardoned several of his allies pre-trial, shutting down the process down before convictions could be secured. This included, notably, a Mossad agent responsible for recruiting US military personnel as assets; Steve Bannon, who on top of everything else was facing fraud charges for all the money that disappeared from the border wall crowd funding scam; and Kenneth Kurson, who ran a pro-Trump "newspaper" owned by Kushner, who was facing charges for cyber stalking Trump opponents.
If he were poor and Black, he would've gotten 20 years. Surely there will Lib outrage?
Has a sentence been handed down yet?
All indications are that he will not serve any time in exchange for the plea deal.
Would you mind sharing some of these indications?
Sure! See paragraphs 2 and 5:
You're welcome!
Guess we will see what happens when it all shakes out. No sense getting worked up over something that hasn't happened yet
Remember, the trump sycophants have ZERO capacity for nuance.
As much as any conviction of trump is downplayed to "not even a big deal" or "nothing burger", every conviction of a perceived "enemy" is automatically on par with them taking full responsibility for perpetrating a mass genocide.
This will just be seen as ambiguously "guilty" and the cookoos will have all the catharsis and "OMGzzz!" reaction as if he was convicted at a jury trial of multiple crimes against humanity.