I've changed up the format here to make the list easier to maintain and present the information more clearly. I don't plan on making site-specific versions anymore; I hope the community won't find that too self-promotional.
Portable illumination
- Be excellent to each other
- Don't be the reason we need to make more rules
IMO this format is so much more readable. Definitely think this is an upgrade - much appreciated, as always!
Thank you as always for your hard work!
Here's some feedback, take it as you wish:
- A changelog from the previous version is always nice.
- For the 'Quick List', consider emphasizing the light's niche, rather than the model names which are probably meaningless to newcomers. For example:
- Budget General Use Light: Wurkkos FC11
- Headlamp / Angle Light: Skilhunt H04 RC
- Long-Range "Thrower" Light: Sofirn IF22A
- Typo? Convoy Z1 B35AM.
I'm looking for a thrower for hiking. Either 18650 or built in charging port. No idea what throw distance I want. Biased towards right angle but I think those aren't common for lights focused on throw. Is the IF22A my best option or is there something better? Price not an issue, to a limit (290 is above that limit).
Thank you for continuing to support this new community. And the new format looks great!
Thanks for this list - very useful! Just happened to stumble across this community, and could do with a new torch/flashlight for work. Excellent timing!
Note the Manker E02 and E03 are 25% off right now, from the links on your list.
You might add the D25 series headlamps. I think they are made by Boruit, though sold by Sofirn and others. They work and are ridiculously cheap, starting at $17 here: https://www.sofirnlight.com/collections/headlamps
Added: they have a 20% off code too! So they start under $14 w/o battery.
Thanks for making the list!
The Amazon links for the Thrunite TC20 v2 aren't working. TS10 price is now $23.99
Thank you for the update! Really curious about the H150. I hope they will release it soon.
Just wanted to say thanks for this list. As a new consumer of flashlight content, this was very useful way to catch up on common considerations and some models to consider. I even picked up a Wurkkos FC11 for $23. What a step up over the random cheap flashlight I was using before! And this is considered a “cheap” flashlight?! I was doing some comparisons with the crappy flashlight I had before: Of course, the brightness and feature set is so much better, but the high CRI of the FC11 is magical! What a great flashlight!
Awesome new format, it looks pretty good.
I also thought that the Sofirn BLF LT1 was much more expensive, I think I might get one.
I need an account on your instance.
This is much appreciated.