I bought my first share at $448.30 so why wouldn't I buy more at $1?
Right? Why stop and realize that you buying in at the top is what made the price so high? Why consider people selling stock and taking their profit from idiots buying in and the company not showing the profit is making you the barely stable piece holding up this quickly dissolving Jenga tower? Why bother with complex reasoning and understanding of your role in this practically a pyramid scheme, of a stock support for a dying company?
Yeah the line is Def going to the moon and if stock markets implode there will definitely be your holy reward beyond the pearly mountain dew Gates in the form of money that will totally be given to you guys and worth epic lols amounts. It's a shame we just can't see it and us normies are false in our "rational" pleads to sanity.
Oh well I hope you space chimps have a great time up there and end up much better than Bonnie