Modern Family’s on afterward? That’s way better than Young Sheldon!
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Not a big Flair fan but the man can still cut a promo.
It got a little rough there at the end
Ohhh someone's getting fined!
That was so slow lol
They tried to make up for it with an extra long mute afterwards lol
😂😂😂 Not even a crutch can stop Nana vibing
The man is dedicated to his craft!
American Dragon out here looking like Solid Snake
😂😂 The AR Fox execution
Wolf vs. Fox always goes the way of the wolf
That's Steiner math!
Say no more Penta. I'm in.
Lol poor kid
That coward Danielson is avoiding Nigel
Such clam digger behaviour
I guess Brittle describes more than just his bones
Flair is going to turn on Sting at Revolution, isn't he?
There are three inescapable realities in life:
- Death
- Taxes
- Ric Flair turns on Sting
With Danielson off commentary I'm really hoping Nigel joins in for the Christian segment.
So they are turning off gravity next week
Probably all of physics to keep the engine from crashing the universe
What was that?! An orange M&M? lol
What the hell lol
Emi smacking the shit out of Julia
That might be the first mention of TNA in AEW
Whole lot of things just happened, I feel like it's going to be really obvious in hindsight
I really thought they were gonna announce Ric vs. Sting there lol
He said the whole name! My oh my!