Ben Mankiewicz skipped the "tits out" part. The coward.
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I noticed that too. It would've been great with his professional delivery.
Bryce ain't shit for that slow ass count
I'm happy Roddy can walk again but I really don't think his wheelchair deserved that.
Tough to say who'll take this. I'm thinking Christian via interference but man is it close...
R I H O !
I don't think that's how you get STD's, Max.
I thought the same, but he/they probably didn't want (him) to say "AIDS". It could have come off as super racist.
😭Roddy has arrived, he's such an inspiration
I'm a little disappointed that most of the CC match winners have been predictable. There's missed opportunities at some upsets there. Especially given that it's a point-based, round robin tournament.
Don't fuckin' bury me...
but Timeless Toni Storm is just not clicking with me. I certainly understand the gimmick, and can appreciate it, but I'm just not enjoying it. It probably doesn't help that it seems like she has been involved (at least tangentially) in every women's division storyline on tv for the past year. I don't want Toni Storm to become AEW's Charlotte Flair.
Welcome back, RIHO!
The main event was everything I wanted out of Edge v Christian, at least until the finish. Wrestling is dumb, and I can't wait to see where the story goes from here. (Probably a rematch at a ppv)
Sidenote: I'm getting error messages when I try to boost comments. You'll just have to get updoots for now.
We still have some time, I do think Briscoe should've beaten Swerve fresh off of a Texas Death Match and Garcia is definitely going to spoil someone's run.
I kind of get the Toni thing, but she's so insane and committed that I'm just happy to be along for the ride. I do feel like the Toni to Shida to Saraya to Shida to Toni thing was all audible after Hayter went down. It's make more sense for Hayter to have retained at Wembley causing the Timeless Toni split and Outcasts soft breakup.
She probably shouldn't have won it back so soon but Saraya was British fan service and I like Shida but Toni is just more entertaining
It got Ben Mankiewicz on a wrestling show, which I never thought I'd see, so that alone makes it worth it.
I agree about the CC being predictable. The only one I wasn't sure about was Swerve/Switchblade. I've noticed a lot of roll-up victories too which I'm not crazy about.
On Toni: I love the character but I'm still not sure she should be champ. I wanted to see more of a downward spiral from her...
Overall I thought the show was solid. But I'm annoyed we didn't get that MJF/Joe tag match and I'm disappointed there were no in-ring promos. The crowd was pretty hot and I would've loved to hear their reaction to an MJF, Hangman, Kingston, hell pretty-much-anyone live promo.
Kbin/the fediverse was behaving weird yesterday. The comment count (and even comments themselves, I think?) wasn't updating last night which made it a pain in the ass to follow along. At least for me.
I'd probably enjoy Toni a lot more if she wasn't champ. It just leans a lot harder into the whole "one match division" thing. "Oh, your character is suddenly interesting now? TITLE PICTURE!" A storyline involving women can be interesting even if there isn't a championship involved. Unless it's in AEW, apparently.
I really don't know if it's TK's booking or if it's the network, but I'm tired of the ability to watch most of the women signed to AEW being locked behind a $9.99/mo pay wall. And if the current situation with RoH's next ppv is anything to go on, that might not be an option for much longer.
Rant over. 😅
HARD agree. A great gimmick doesn't need a belt; It draws people in on its own.
And Tony's booking is just so weird when it comes to women. Remember the Outcasts versus Britt/AEW OG's story? That could've been pretty interesting but nope! It was dropped pretty fucking quickly with almost no resolution. It wouldn't have been the best story ever but at least it's a storyline that would've allowed them to feature more women regularly. Maybe even led to a women's Blood & Guts match. But nope. The whole thing just seemed to vanish.
I agree but Devils advocate, I think a good portion of the women's division has been out for various reasons.
Nyla, Marina, and Taya may be the only available women that haven't had matches recently
Britt had the back injury and Cole
Hayter is injured
Red Velvet just recently returned
Riho just recently returned
Deeb has been out injured
Statlander returned and replaced Jade
I guess we could've had more Mercerdes, Diamante and Kiera