in Safari on the iphone you have the searchbar at the bottom but on the ipad you have it on the top and can't change it...
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You Turn off mobile data.
“Your mobile data is offline” OK to continue.
No shit 💩
The tab view in Safari was changed from a Rolodex like view to tiny cards. But the cards are often too small to read, forcing me to click it to see what is on it. I end up leaving 30 tabs open because I don’t know if one is safe to close.
Apple Watch 10 removed the option for pinning apps to the Task Switcher. It's now way more inconvenient to scroll through the App List to find what I want at that moment.
When you click on an app icon on the dock, on an app that is already open with several minimized windows, it doesnt expand the most recently used window. This is especially with Mail and Preview.
CarPlay at least for me is a mess after every update, audio just cuts out and reconnecting has no effect until my iPhone is reset and car turned off and on
The command/control split is a constant source of annoyance. I really wish they would just abandon that one and get with the rest of the world.