Woah newsflash to me.
PC Gaming
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He gets me, although oddly enough I have paid for subscriptions in the past for a short while and didn't hate it, but for some reason the idea of paying for a gaming subscription feels like such a rip-off compared to other things like Disney+ and Netflix. Those provide very bite-sized bits of content, just an hour or two of my day to fully take in an individual show or movie. Whereas with a game, it can take me weeks or months to complete something like that with the limited time I have available in a day.
So paying a monthly subscription to only play an hour or two of gaming per day vs only watching an hour or two on a tv just feels so much different. In the space of a month, I might watch dozens of different shows on a streaming service, but if I were paying for a subscription gaming service, I might still be on the same damn game that whole time. It just doesn't feel like it's a good use of my funds.