I just can’t deal with betas anymore. I’m glad others take the plunge and report issues though.
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Exactly! I’m at a stage in my life where I just want my stuff to work. A decade ago, I would be installing betas the moment they were available . But that version of me is gone.
Also there has been nothing particularly blood pumping about OS update for good few years now.
I jumped on the iPadOS one because of Stage Manager. I use SM all the time during the day with an external KB and trackpad, so I really wanted to see those updates.
So far (and I’m sure there will be some bugs), I’m pretty happy with it. You can move the app windows where you want now! What a concept! The only time the OS moves them is if you place two of them of the same size right on top of each other. This is just to make sure you always have a way to tap on the window. But most of the time it just lets you do what you want.
And beyond that first “gotcha,” you can layer windows on top of each other without the OS aggressively moving everything around. What a concept!
I haven’t tried any of the other new features yet, but I’m pretty happy with SM so far.
I can speak for the beta for iOS. I’m currently using it for my daily driver and I must say that it’s stable enough. There are a few hiccups on keyboard, and the battery life is subpar as of the moment as I just installed the public beta.
But all in all, one of the most stable iOS beta release ever.
Not this time. Before going abroad, it’s too dangerous, I need to rely on a good mobile system.
I got an iPhone 14 pro today, haven’t been on iOS since I had an iPhone X. Feels amazing compared to Calyx on my Pixel but I’d rather not use a beta and make the experience even harder to get used to. Might put my iPad on 17 though.
Been running developer beta with almost no issues. Sometimes StandBy behaves weird and I have to toggle it on and off that’s pretty much it.
Been waiting for the iOS and watchOS PBs. I'm updating both now.
For those on the fence, it’s quite stable. Miles better than iOS 16 around this time.
I would say the opposite. Messages has a keyboard bug and the search features top hits doesn’t pull up the app you want unless you type and retype the name at least twice. That’s going to be a daily annoyance until those are fixed at least.