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Tattoos aren't that painful, it's like the week after and it's sore as fuck, but it's not that bad.
What?!?!?! I have a full back piece and several other tattoos and the do in fact hurt like a mother fucker
Yeah, but it's an optional pain we choose to endure. If you didn't want the pain you could just learn to accept your inkless skin.
It's not like dental work, or surgery, where there is a genuine risk to your health or your life if you don't get it done, the pain is not really a choice then, which is why it's nice that anaesthesia is an option. (anaesthesia is also for the surgeons benefit, general aesthetic isn't just one drug, it's a concoction that not only numbs and sedates, but paralyses - there's a reason surgeons used to try and aim to amputate a limb in under a minute, because there's only so much you can do with a screaming, writhing patient)
I have a few as well, it was always the after pain that got me.