Naughty toddlers get sent to the Sky Prison.
Terrible Estate Agent Photos
Terrible photos listed by estate agents/realtors that are so bad they’re funny.
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Posts in this community must be of property (inside or out) listed for sale which contains a terrible element. “Terrible” can refer to:
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the property (weird layout, questionable plumbing, unsound structure, etc.)
the interior (carpeted bathrooms, awful taste interiors, weird mannequins/taxidermies/art, inflatable pools indoors, etc.)
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Hey, everybody's gotta have a spot to make their proclamations from.
"Here ye, hear ye....Who touched the fucking thermostat?!"
That would be a great place for seasonal decorations. Perfect spot for a Christmas tree, for example.
Except when you want to gather around the Christmas tree to unwrap presents on Christmas morning.... or god forbid you simply live to feel the cozy ambiance of the Christmas tree in your living room as you snuggle up with your family on the couch at night.
IMO, this feels more like a convenient display for something like a department store.
This would be a supplementary tree. There isn't enough width here for a full-sized tree. For example, my in-laws have gifted my wife hand-made felt Christmas ornaments every year. They were clogging up our main tree, so she wrapped a traffic cone with some green felt and made a smaller, entirely felt-themed, supplementary tree.
Or you could have an inflatable or stuffwd snow man. Or Santa. Or the Easter bunny. For Halloween you could have a ghost hanging from the ceiling, or a zombie, scarecrow, cloaked figure, pirate, whatever. I actually have a Halloween Tree that's a black dead-looking thing with orange lights.
Of if you have cats, that's a great spot for a cat tree. Or one of those slings that hangs from the ceiling.
Or how some people collect those squish Mallows: that would be a nice nook to store them.
Obviously these are all luxuries, but I think from this picture we can assume this is a pretty big upper-middle-class house.
Everyone is in the back and you send the smallest child to pick up and drop off the presents.
Everyone Sitting in the hallway would be the worst part.
It’s for yelling downstairs “hey honey, where did you put the charger I lent you?”
Czech hedgehog and bloodied barbed wire on veterans day
You're hired!
The is no way you can fit a christmas tree in there lol.
Like... Maybe a mini tree?
I had the exact same thought. Definitely has it's uses
When you misclick placing stairs in the sims 4
What I'm thinking is removing the railings from around the outcrop and have the railing to all the way to the stair (so that you can't walk onto the outcrop anymore). Then the outcrop is the perfect place for a model of some kind. Like a countryside train model or a city model or the likes. Something that is just for looks cause there's no practical reason to walk onto such a tiny outcrop. It'd be a great use of the space and a nice place to display such a thing such that anyone walking up or down the stairs can appreciate it from different angles.
How much would I have to pay the model and do I need to provide lunch and smoke breaks?
Time for a very weird statue.
If removing the railing is not an option, that's a perfect spot for some hanging plants. (looks like it has enough light as well). Now I want a stairway that I can put a train model in.
Make it even better, instead of keeping it a flat surface, cut a slope down towards the stairs. Then you get to wander around the model. See it from not just several, but dozens of points of view both vertically and horizontally. Really turn it into a unique part of the house.
This is the kind of "feature" that would get me into model trains. Having the ability to circle it, going up and down at the same time, would be quite awesome indeed
I suspect that part is like that because there's a closet right there, if you were to slope it the closet space might suffer. I'm 100 percent behind your idea though.
Thats definitely the location for some sort of fancy lamp if I ever saw one.
I install railings for a living, this looks absolutely hilarious to me
I’m so confused why this was necessary. Why not just have a straight railing across? You could use the space for decorative purposes - it can be easily accessed and cleaned from the stairs. This is just bizarre.
I mean, someone definitely sold 3x the railing, sooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Or the stairs could have been 50% wider
There was enough space to have an entire room
Yeah i hate vaulted ceilings for this reason. Such a waste of space.
Gotta heat that space too. What a waste of energy.
Now there is just enough space for a bed. In case you really don't want that one friend to visit again.
Do you get to the cloud district often?
The cloud district:
I honestly wouldn't mind a spot like this id definitely find a use for it. It's odd sure but you could have some fun with it.
This would make a perfect blanket fort location for kids!
With build-in spying station even ! Or paper plane launch pad, or gravity tester spot !
This would be a great spot for a treadmill/elliptical if it's wide enough.
It's for when you want to do that scene from Romeo and Juliet but it's winter.
Get some power there and it's a good place for a pinball or arcade machine.
This would end up as laundry hanger in no time
This will be useful when it's to change the bulb
This is the one positive thing I could think of.
So it comes we a ready made dog kennel! Just add the door. (I'd say it would serve as a playpen as well, but I'm sure that would be some sort of safety violation)
It's for looking down on your would be visitors
Prime Titanic memorial spot
Never forget the heroic actions of the Titanic and its battle against a tube of villains.
This looks like so much fun but probably means becoming a paraplegic for my accident prone self.
Perfect for a little..."accident" when the spouse gets mouthy.
I don't know why this is here, but I love it.