Im not expert but this one doesnt look healthy and its leaking
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Brought to you by the same folks who introduced you to: considering a woman's rape to NOT be a violent crime against the woman, but instead a property crime against her husband/father.
Antiquated bullshit doesn't belong in this world. If you disagree, go walk across a desert or something.
Ok, so ignoring the meme. What is that? I mean, it's clearly a hotdog but what is going on here?
Looks to me like a hotdog used as a straw
The title aside. I thought the meme was joking about the crazy ass "mohalim" ritual aka rabbis sucking off babies. And so I find the meme alone a success.
I agree it should not be done unnecessarily. I've hooked up with plenty of men in my lifetime and have seen some grotesque circumcisions.
The worst botched ones I've seen are when the skin bridges to the head or when the circumcision was done too tight (and causes issues when erect). More commonly, I've seen some pretty gnarly scar tissue along the shaft, but that seems to be less problematic. I am curious if folks with botched circumcisions are still supportive of it, since it's so ingrained in their culture.