Honestly, even as a bi trans person, I’m horribly concerned and quite mad at how exponentially shamelessly sexualized LGBT (especially Q) merch has gotten over the years. It just feels tacky and like it wants to paint all LGBT people as hypersexual fetishist nymphomaniacs.
@politics on kbin.social is a magazine to share and discuss current events news, opinion/analysis, videos, or other informative content related to politicians, politics, or policy-making at all levels of governance (federal, state, local), both domestic and international. Members of all political perspectives are welcome here, though we run a tight ship. Community guidelines and submission rules were co-created between the Mod Team and early members of @politics. Please read all community guidelines and submission rules carefully before engaging our magazine.
@HaleyHalcyon absolutely, your post reminds me of this too: https://youtu.be/fiOMbqPHFwo?t=29s
It's about time. Corporations are finally starting to realize the vast majority of their customers are not onboard with the increasingly radical leftist agenda. Go woke and go broke.
Just because it's true in your little echo chamber doesn't mean it's true for "the vast majority"
Friend, my account is less than 24 hours old has has karma of -236 (probably lower by the time I finish writing this) almost entirely due to this thread. So let's talk about echo chambers, yours and mine.
Everyone (from across the political spectrum) knows reddit's r/politics abhors balance and neutrality in favor of extreme far-leftist idiocy. It's widely assumed that's due to the mods, so I figured there's no way that bizarre phenomenon could be repeated on another platform. Well I don't think it can be explained by moderation in the present thread. I think it's clearly that all the children from r/politics flocked here, creating a self-manifesting filter-bubble. It's a pretty interesting phenomenon, really. I don't think I've ever seen something like that manifest anywhere else.
Ideally, if this is m/politics, it should be well-balanced, encompassing perspectives from all sides, and always upvoting the level-headed conservative viewpoints. In this day and age, when the Left has gone so off-the-deep-end crazy, embracing evils such as homosex and baby slaughter, a balanced m/politics would downvote all extremist viewpoints, which means basically anything from the Left these days.
I commented on this article shortly after joining, when there were very few other comments on the article, with fingers crossed that all of the naive children from r/politics wouldn't be here en masse. Clearly I was wrong. But as you grow up, and become more conservative (like we all do with life experience), you'll learn that almost every adult is essentially conservative, and striving to become more mature (ie more conservative and traditional) as we age. Obviously some people fail at that goal, and yes there are some 80yo stoners out there who act like teenagers, but by and large the filter-bubble of normal adults is extraordinarily huge.
Cons being absolutely batshit crazy and condescending and wondering why nobody wants to treat them with respect
I find it fascinating to hear that perspective. Among conservatives, it's widely acknowledged that the Left is crazy, and has become increasingly crazy over the years. Conservative basically means normal, ie not crazy — we like preserving traditional values, whereas the Left like violently destroying everything we hold dear. I don't mean to dispute your perspective; we're all entitled to one. I just find it interesting, and without a doubt crazy.
As for your assertion that I'm condescending, I'm sorry for whatever I said that came across that way. I am praying for you and everyone else in this thread, that we may all come to be one in Christ.
You regularly ‘communicate’ with a man that has been dead for over 2000 years by talking to your ceiling, because you believe that (despite being dead) he has magical powers.
And then go around calling everyone else “crazy”.
That sure would sound crazy if it wasn't true. But the part about Jesus being dead is not true at all. 500 witnesses observed His resurrection (See 1 Corinthians 15:3-8.) Why do you think Christianity has spread so far and wide, and has so many converts? Why do you think the Bible has been accepted as the word of God and foundation of Western Civilization for generation after generation? Do you think our forefathers were all dumber than you? They weren't. The truth is God is irrefutably real, and you'd know that if you open your heart to receive Him.
Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.
But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
(Matthew 10:32-33)
What has "the left" "violently destroyed" that you "hold dear"?
Oh boy, you're asking for a rant. I'm going to do you a favor and spare you the fifty paragraph reply. Sorry, you're asking a completely legitimate question if you're coming from a leftist perspective and you really don't know what I'm talking about. I'm just not going to type all of that out here.
No really, go ahead, have a rant. We will love it I promise.
As humble Christians, I'm sure you'd all eagerly learn from it how to better yourselves and become upstanding conservative citizens. So sorry to disappoint.