Looks awesome! Quick question: How did you make the curb on the roundabout?
Cities: Skylines
An unofficial sublemmy for the game Cities: Skylines.
It's actually just an asset I found on the workshop. Called raised roundabout, or something similar. I did need the procedural objects mod, to get t to st at the right angle.
That looks insanely detailed
It took a surprising amount of time and assets for what is just a simple roundabout junction!
Um… not to be a party pooper or anything, but everything is built the wrong way. It’s like the cars are supposed to drive on the left side instead of the right! What a shame that so much time and effort went into building a broken roundabout 😔.
This is awesome! I see a little castle in the top right too! 😲
Well spotted! It's supposed to be a church and has a little graveyard too!
That's awesome. Love the small touches that add to the realism.
That looks very lovely. Good that cars aren't using that as a major thruway.