
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 12 hours ago

Mine didnt even go close to it. The other dog wasnt on a leash properly and it escaped and in a mstter of seconds a nice little walk in the park with my mom turned into me(95kg and work out 5 times a week) trying to get the dog off ours. I was soaked in blood that i didnt even know where it came from because my hands and arms were bleeding but my dog was also bleeding because the fucker broke her thigh bone and ripped a bunch of veins. Which dog did they put down? Of course mine because they said the surgery would be risky so its much better for her to just go. Do think me and my mom have no trauma after that? Also we asked the other woman walking the dog to give her number and she gave us a fake one and we never found her even tho we lived in a small town so we can live the really nice bit of knowledge that that disgrace of an animal is still living in this world and can attack another dog or even person any time because the owner could be distracted.

[–] 0 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

You know that there are breeds specifically bred to kill? Is that natural? You also know that owning a dog is not natural then and then nobody should own them? Also when it comes to animals in nature youre the one who choses where you live. If you dont like em you can move to a city. Thats why i think its stupid when they kill wild animals in their natural habitat to make places safer. But when a person owns a fucking dog meant to kill thats a tad bit different eouldnt you agree? And i didnt say we should kill them, you should need a permit and proper training to own one of them. Well, good luck to you picking berries and hunting animals with spears because thats what we did half a million years ago(didnt look it up).

Its not like properly having your dog on a leash would prevent it from killing another dog and almost biting my hand off.

[–] 2 points 19 hours ago

Nope its finno-ugric(its the ugric part) which is the same family as estonian, finnish and sami. I think it looks like latin to you for two reasons. One is it has some similar grammar from my understanding with cases and stuf but the more important here is some of the early hungarian written texts were written by scribes from italy who either spoke latin because of religious reasons or just italian generally. For example the sound you here in russian in the name "vladimir" where the d is also present in hungarian but instead of wtiting it in a sane way it is written "gy"(and yes that is one letter). This is because logically it would be "dy" but the italians heard our "gy" as very similar to their "gi" for example. Bit of a mindfuck tbh.

[–] 20 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Ahh the wonderful communist who support.... wait those are neo nazis and the others are just capitalists...

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

Lol that is funny. I guess its laszlo because they also use it in romania and thats where vampires come from? Idk

[–] 2 points 1 day ago (2 children)

"Bojler eladó" is hungarian for "water heater for sale". Its kinda a meme to post it anywhere hungary is mentioned. Source: im hungarian

[–] 4 points 1 day ago (6 children)

Is this a "bojler eladó" moment? I doubt that laszlo is used in any other language.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

While im against guns, pitbulls are literally probably more dangerous than guns when "used accidentally". Its no mistake that both my dog and the kid that got attacked got bit on the face and thigh as pitbulls always go for the kill. If you accidentally discharge a gun it has a chance of hitting a vital point and a chance of missing and a chance of hitting a less vital point of your body. If youre alone and an average person a pitbulls gonna kill you. If your alone with a gun it doesnt do anything.

[–] 25 points 1 day ago (15 children)

As someone whos dog got killed by a pitbull and i got injured trying to save her a very pleasant you can suck my big sweaty cock to all pitbull owners. Without a license and training you shouldnt be able to own a dog that is meant for killing. Ever since that every time i see a big dog the first thing i think of is if it attacks me how can i kill that fucker. So yeah i dont give a fuck and even before that happened i supported the ban of those dogs because multiple times ive heard from distant family and friends horror stories about attacks. I know a girl who was 8 when she was attacked and she needed plastic surgery all over her thigh and face after an attack and my sister and mom(whos thankfully a doctor so she could help before the ambulance arrived) were there to witness it. I dont think you wanting to own a big dog is a reason to endager others health and lives. Anyone supporting the right to own one of those killing machines is off the rails. They are literally bread to kill.

[–] 10 points 3 days ago

"And i dont want to make this political"

[–] 12 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

Yeah apps should not prevent you from running them in enviroments they dont want to be run in. A law like this would fix stupid banking apps and other things as well.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago

Eu army and then we dont need the stupid nato.


I want to build a linux(yes i want linux specifically or a deritive of it) smartwatch as a prototype that lasts ~24 hours. Ive been looking for chips that are small and power effient enough but most of them cant run linux. If i have a 400mah battery that gives me a power budget of about 60mw... I know its possibly because there are wearos(basically android) watches that last 3-4 days. I dont know what kind of sorcery that is but that means it consumes about 15mw??? I really do feel like im miscalculating something but i checked multiple times. Do they hibernate linux/android and run it off of another chip. I also dont know how to excecute that properly and its kind of off topic of my question. So point is linux on a ~60mw budget in s smartwatch. I want to use a mip display as i really like the look and it uses little power but if ever want a heart rate sensor in it thats even more power consumpotion. Thanks in advance i guess if a saint answers this shitstorm of a question.


Im building a flashlight and i want to test if a fan in it would be a good idea but the flashlight is really small so i would need a motor thats smaller than 1 cm preferably. I found really good ones at maxon group but unless you order them in bulk(1000+ units) they cost like 400€. So do yall know anywhere i could find them? Thanks in advance! (Edit: Im a complete baffoon and forgot to specify that preferably i would need a water resistant fan. I assumed this because bldc motors without drivers are wter resistant)


Is there an andúril light with actual rgb aux lights instead of the resistor ones or the single colour ones? If no, is it even possible with the microchip they use? I know its a pretty limited chip.


I have an emisar d2 and dt8 and both are ip 67 but so far any time i tried to use them in wet conditions water got into the body. The strange thing is they didnt actually break they just acted strange for a while and then after drying for a night everything seemed okay. Except my trust in emisar. They are both amazing lights but im always extremely carefull now when using them. Kinda dissapointed. Wanted to do a nld post about my dt8 but this how it ended up. Extra details: they both fogged up, the d2 didnt really turn off correctly. The dt8 worked perfectly for hours after submersion in water but when i changed the battery i noticed the head was audably and visibly bubbling water when i screwed on the cap.

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