Nah, in Germany they sell sausages in the colors of our flag whenever the football world championship happens, though they aren't licorice flavored as far as I know
I've had plenty of cables on wired headphones die, and if the headphones don't have removable cables, that's it for them (unless you can solder on new cables, but you could also argue that you can replace the battery of wireless headphones). I've had the cable of my Sennheisers break like 3 times so far and I've only had the headphones for a couple of years, luckily they can be replaced easily
Cyberpunk also seemed alright, even the reviews were glowing. Well, we all know how that turned out
Yeah, it is. Apparently you can even get the early access if you really wanted to by just buying the deluxe upgrade and skip buying the base game. I have it pre-downloaded for the main release (no idea if I even have time to play it then)
I think it stops after you get to whiterun and fight the first dragon
I would wait on Starfield myself and wait for mods, but considering it's part of gamepass, I see no reason to not give it a fair shake, especially since I have a few more months of gamepass I got gifted. I do however plan on buying the game like a year or two from now (or maybe ten, if Skyrim is anything to go on) on Steam to do another modded playthrough
It's not optimal, and I would like for uploaded music to just show up in the regular search, but there is a top navigation bar where you can just switch between where to search (uploads being one of the options). Also YTM has the upside of showing YouTube uploads as well, I could always find obscure bonus EPs that only came with the physical CD because someone uploaded it, which is really handy
The old comic book rule of 'no body no death' might come into play
I think that's the low end for wow players as well. I played it excessively for like a whole year (wake up, play, go to bed with very few obligations during that time), I have no idea how much time I spent in that game overall, because I've had a few periods like that in my life (though never that crazy)
Wir sind halt auch Kartoffeln
Is that what it means? We had a kid at school everyone just referred to as "Schnitzeljunge", never knew where that name came from.
Obviously it's not like stealing a car and I'm pretty sure that's a straw man, he just said it's piracy, which I'd argue it is.
It's like taking the train without paying, you aren't inherently hurting anyone, but if no one pays/watches ads it's not sustainable.