He doesn't get custody of Doge. He may spell it the same way, but his is pronounced "dodgy", regardless of what he wants to call it
What a coincidence that those exact systems are the ones they're torching...
So, they're taking all the wrong drugs
Resounding endorsements!
And, unlike their other picks, he actually has relevant experience
Was going to say, it's West if you go far enough
This is my thought... Don't hide it, really, more like toss a blanket over that part while people get settled. Most will stick with the defaults (whether a single default like or regional defaults like, but they'll get the option if that's something they want to change later (I do wish there was a way to move instances rather than having to make a new account, that might also help improve adoption... "Just go with this one while you settle in and move when you know where you want to go")
I mean, people who did vote for them are also demanding the Dems do anything in their power to slow or stop this, which is exactly what the Reps have done when the situation is reversed and Dems just throw up their hands like there's nothing they can do in both scenarios
Maybe we're getting sick of them trying to play act the "good guys" doing things "by the rules" while watching the Reps do whatever the fuck they want and getting away with it again and again
Yeah, those VIPs are not anywhere near the target or have anywhere near the security detail as a sitting president
They throw out the spoons, the workers will have to turn to knives
I dunno, the US military machine may not be that impressive for very long the way they're going