Just a reminder for people here: People can change and do better.
A lot of his old content are basically edgy, toxic, and too much. He basically did racist joke towards various groups of people, just for the sake of anger them. Even a lot of his fans also often recognizing those mistake and asked him to do better.
He's now a husband and a father. He's not doing any these joke anymore. He already recognizing his past mistake and do much better these days.
All of his content is now simple wholesome and even inspiring. His several drawing content is actually often being shared among art community.
What he did back then was basically "edgy toxic gamer," making edgy content just for the sake of angering people. Like his entire Pewdiepie vs T-series that actually makes a lot of Indian national angry. I remember all of his Indian fans telling him that all of his jokes are too much.
He's now stop doing those edgy jokes, even recognizing those stuff.
All of his content right now is basically just a dad/husband doing cool stuff with his family.