Handmade Marketplace
Welcome to the Handmade Marketplace! Browse & support independent artisans & crafters! (:
Sell & promote your handmade goods here!
=-= Mods / Curators of this community are not responsible for transactions between users. =-=
Any post not following proper formatting will be removed if not corrected within 2 hours of warning.
Your post must include:
- Title + (in brackets) tag(s) + location + shop/item status ( OPEN / CLOSED / SOLD / PENDING )
Example: Crochet hats & amigurumi: 35$ and up [clothing, accessories, hats, yarncraft] [Australia] [OPEN]
At least 2 images of what you selling / displaying what kind of items you sell. (MUST be uploaded— no linking off-site in order to view photos)
Price / Price range
International shipping? [ Yes / No ]
A link to your shop/storefront/website/seller account when your item(s) can be purchased.
NOTE: direct-selling is allowed for now, but buyer assumes risk & goes without buyer protection. Purchase with caution.
(subject to change at any time)
Handmade items ONLY! Modified/upcycled items are allowed, but must be distinct from the item's original form.
Vendors must be selling tangible goods! Patterns & 3D print files are okay, as long as the vendor has made it themselves.
Digital artwork is not currently allowed here, at this time.
Tag post if selling or displaying NSFW/adult item(s).
The sales of drugs, illicit substances, illegal materials, firearms, etc. are prohibited.
If offering commissions, at least 2 previous examples must be included in your photos.
Item(s) / shops glorifying hatespeech and/or human rights violations are not allowed.
If multiple reports are made about a post/shop/seller, it will be investigated and possibly removed.