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He's doing a behind-the-scenes interview show with the new season of Strange New Worlds.
The Ready Room
Kickass! Looks like it's a good time to figure out how to watch all the new shows! Thank you!
Lower Decks and Strange New Worlds are Trek like you're used to. Arguably some of the best Trek even.
Discovery is more like the recent movies, and not necessarily for everyone.
Just saying so you don't get discouraged if Discovery turns out not to be to your liking.
Thank you! I get kind of overwhelmed with too many options. I love TNG and voyager, DS9 was okay, we never watched Enterprise and just cherry picked episodes from the original. I love the lore. I really want to get into it again but at last count there were FIVE new shows (including at least one animated one, I think?) and that was too many options for my brain to handle. I really will take any and all advice, thank you!
Yeah. It's a bit overwhelming. For a long time there was nothing, now there's so many.
There are actually two animated shows. Both are good, but Lower Decks is the one you want to watch first. Short funny episodes, for adults with fond memories of classic Trek. Ideal for casual viewing. Inside jokes, etc. ST Prodigy is the other show. That's aimed more at young adults with a hint of a Star Wars Clone Wars / Rebels vibe.
Strange New Worlds is more serious, with more arcs, but also really great. Probably the best in a long while. TV that'll give you a warm glow. Great stand-alone episodes too. Like a TOS combined with TNG at its best. They also recently did a cross-over episode with Lower Decks, to give you an idea.
Both made by true Trekkies, who loved the series. Jonathon Frakes/Riker has directed plenty of episodes, IRC.
There's also Picard. The first two seasons were a bit rough, and quite dark. The third season is much better, like a TNG movie combined with Voyager, but still more adult and also with a season long arc. That does have a lot of cameos from old regulars though. Riker, Beverly, Warf, Deanna, Data, Seven, etc.
Amazing. I appreciate this so much!