Retroid Pocket 2S now live. What's your preferred handheld for retro gaming?
Vintage gaming community.
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I was hoping the Android side would give me more options for newer Android games. But honestly I just didn't think it would be that big of a deal, but I feel like it's a big step backwards from a user's perspective that so much tweaking needs to be done.
On the RP3+ at least it does offer some good options for android games and ports of games that people have done. It is definitely a good PSP machine, but I definitely could not just set one up and send it out without telling people how to use it and why it launches different apps.
In some ways it's a problem of too many choices. I get it that there are a lot of front ends to pick from and a lot of emulators and lots of roms but at some point I just want to play a game and not endlessly fiddle with shit to get an extra 1/2 FPS. I want to watch the Retro Gaming Corp videos and just follow them step by step (if that's how the videos are laid out) and just get it going.