this post was submitted on 10 Jan 2025
30 points (94.1% liked)

Software Gore

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Welcome to /c/SoftwareGore!

This is a community where you can poke fun at nasty software. This community is your go-to destination to look at the most cringe-worthy and facepalm-inducing moments of software gone wrong. Whether it's a user interface that defies all logic, a crash that leaves you in disbelief, silly bugs or glitches that make you go crazy, or an error message that feels like it was written by an unpaid intern, this is the place to see them all!

Remember to read the rules before you make a post or comment!

Community Rules - Click to expand

These rules are subject to change at any time with or without prior notice. (last updated: 7th December 2023 - Introduction of Rule 11 with one sub-rule prohibiting posting of AI content)

  1. This community is a part of the instance. You must follow its Code of Conduct (
  2. Please keep all discussions in English. This makes communication and moderation much easier.
  3. Only post content that's appropriate to this community. Inappropriate posts will be removed.
  4. NSFW content of any kind is not allowed in this community.
  5. Do not create duplicate posts or comments. Such duplicated content will be removed. This also includes spamming.
  6. Do not repost media that has already been posted in the last 30 days. Such reposts will be deleted. Non-original content and reposts from external websites are allowed.
  7. Absolutely no discussion regarding politics are allowed. There are plenty of other places to voice your opinions, but fights regarding your political opinion is the last thing needed in this community.
  8. Keep all discussions civil and lighthearted.
    • Do not promote harmful activities.
    • Don't be a bigot.
    • Hate speech, harassment or discrimination based on one's race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, beliefs or any other identity is strictly disallowed. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to discuss in this community.
  9. The moderators retain the right to remove any post or comment and ban users/bots that do not necessarily violate these rules if deemed necessary.
  10. At last, use common sense. If you think you shouldn't say something to a person in real life, then don't say it here.
  11. Community specific rules:
    • Posts that contain any AI-related content as the main focus (for example: AI “hallucinations”, repeated words or phrases, different than expected responses, etc.) will be removed. (polled)

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founded 2 years ago

Don't worry, I am leaving FB. Only had it because family who wont fucking leave the site and have no other socials.

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[–] 6 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Gib Addresse, kriegst ein Handy mit Android 15+ und genug Ressourcen für FF.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Bin bestimmt irgendwann in den nächsten sechs Monate wieder bei dir in der Gegend. Aktuell geht es noch. Aber langsam kommen die Altersprobleme. Hatte überlegt Shiftphone zu holen oder irgendwas wo custom OS haben kann.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Es gibt auch Fairphones, die für ihre Reparierbarkeit bekannt sind. Übrigens kann man auch eine andere Betriebssystem als stock Android installieren.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Shiftphone ist glaub ich auch für Nachhaltigkeit konzipiert.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Yep, seht so aus. Ich wollte nur bekannt geben, dass Fairphones auch eine gute Option sind.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

oder halt gebraucht auf eBay nen altes handy was guten ROM support hat. sehr günstig.