this post was submitted on 04 Aug 2023
1492 points (96.7% liked)

Don’t You Know Who I Am?

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Posts of people not realising the person they’re talking to, is the person they’re talking about.

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[–] 2 points 2 years ago

"Well, George, the casting crew has gotten back to us. Your unique drawl, your frazzled look in an unshaven state, the way you delivered those lines - everything is perfect! You're the new star actor this studio has been looking for, and perfect to play the villain of our upcoming serial!"
"Well, that's incredible!"
"Unfortunately, since the character in question holds a gun in two scenes of the series, and you got 2 questions wrong on the firearms exam, we're going to have to turn you down. We take safety very seriously."
"Couldn't...someone else just check weapons for me?"
"They could, but that might involve relying on another person for tasks they're more suited for, and last I checked, this wasn't Communismerica."