Oil draining over the hot exhaust? Sounds good guys, let's sign it off and start production!
This is a community for designs specifically crafted to make the experience worse for the user. This can be due to greed, apathy, laziness or just downright scumbaggery.
Make the exhaust curve back a bit? More expensive to make the part than having a straight pipe with just one bend.
Dent the exhaust? Affect flow, create hot spot right under the oil drain plug.
Expect people to be intelligent enough to put some cardboard or foil under the plug so they don't spill oil on the exhaust? Idiots are complaining and posting their failure on the internet and blaming you.
Extend the length of the drain plug by 1cm? Something something, profit.
I personally don't want any part of the engine casing sticking out during a crash, but maybe that's just me.
This section isn't on an easy to replace cover.
You can plainly see that there's plenty of other material sticking out much further than any 1cm extension. If you were in a crash that ate through all that material first, I'm sure the engine casing would be the least of your worries.
How is someone expected to already know the oil drainage out of all things is asshole design?
Dude, the plug is right above the exhaust, you need to be an idiot not to realize what's going to happen
You need to notice it first how are you going to know what to look for?
Notice what? That the plug you're currently unscrewing is right above the exhaust?