The Supreme Court strikes down Biden's student-loan forgiveness plan, blocking debt relief for millions of borrowers
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Boomers always say this shit, but Boomers could pay for school on a credit card. Their tuition was an 1/8th of what we pay, maybe less. My parents all went to school without even needing to take out a loan because school was so affordable
Boomers paying off a few thousand in debt to go to school is not the same as today's students who owe tens to hundreds of thousands in debt just to get an education.
Boomers who claim that because they paid off their measly loans then everyone else should have to are self-righteous pricks.
All this to say: fuck off boomer, your handout on a silver platter of a life shouldnt get to make decisions about ours
Even if the costs were the same what the fuck line of asshole thinking in "I had to suffer, so you do too" what the fuck happened to people wanting better for the future generations?