Unity ring in the new year by firing 1,800 people in the name of "long-term and profitable growth"
Rule #1: Be civil
Rule #2: No spam, memes, off-topic, or low-effort posts/comments
Rule #3: No advertisements
Rule #4: No streams, random gameplay videos, highlights, or shorts
Rule #5: No erotic games or porn
Rule #6: No facilitating piracy
Rule #7: No duplicates
This is what happens when you demand infinite growth/metastasis within a finite system.
Late Stage Market Capitalism is eating itself now without new markets to grow/metastasize. You can see it in every economic sector, from this to TimeWarnerDiscoveryHBOParamountSoonEtc. The snake is eating its own tail having conquered the board.
Oh, and it's killing our sole, shared, COMMUNal habitat, when it isn't dooming many of us to die of exposure in some alley or tent city for the crime of not further enriching our owner class well enough.