Zelenskiy signs decree claiming half a dozen Russian regions are historically Ukrainian lands
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How many of your fellow citizens would you sacrifice to Putin if he decided to invade your county? That is what you are saying. Give over regions of Ukraine to an aggressive fascist state. Fuck that. I’d fight against that even if it was hopeless. Ukraine needs to be armed to win. The US could do this, if we wanted to.
Just ignore them. Russian troll. They are just salty that they're now stuck buying Borscht Cola or whatever the hell russians drink when they run out of vodka. Also, he'll probably be dead in a year when they lower the draft age to 10 or however old he is.
Borscht as is known all throughout most of the ex-USSR and the world is Ukrainian. The red beet version, that is. The more general term roots in Poland where (even much earlier) it meant a soup with hogweed (hence the name), then sour soups in general.
Kvass should be safe though, it's a generally east-Slavic thing, basically low to negligible ABV sour beer from rye. And yes that's exactly what Russians are drinking anyways, the cola craze after the fall of the USSR was short-lived.
And just to add injury to injury: Pelmeni aren't Russian, either. The name is Permic pointing straight to (near) Siberia, it's thought that Mongols brought the general idea of dumplings from China there on their adventures which also explains the pepper. OTOH that means that the stuff you see in supermarkets, frozen bags of them to throw in boiling water, is 110% traditional (modulo the plastic).
Great comment. Refreshing to see some intelligence here from time to time, like the nice sour bready tang of kvass!
These threads are great because it allows me to easily isolate, find and block the obvious trolls. Man, you and isthereany are so angry. Your post histories read like typical Youtube comments. Pot, kettle?
Your assuming that he isn't Russian. Russia seems totally willing to sacrifice as many lives to Putin as Putin wants.
What's really pathetic about these call for Ukraine to give up is that Russia still wouldn't win. For a so-called superpower, the clash of armies should have been an easy win. The actual hard part is the occupation. Zelinski could sign the whole country over to Putin today, and it would just guarantee that the bloodshed continues for years or decades. Even in areas that leaned towards Russia, Ukrainians are of no mind to simply surrender.
Russia is obviously going to win. The only reason Ukraine wasn't steam rolled is that western militias, arms, intelligence, and technology were poured in to prop them up. Spare us the propaganda about Russia so weak. Meanwhile western militaries are emptying their stores of arms and there is no shortage of stories of US and other western military "retired" people being involved there. The average Ukrainian doesn't give a fuck they'd much rather have peace than be at the center of a western globohomo proxy war with Russia. In fact, they wanted to side with Russia until western nations overthrew the government and told them they want a bloody pointless war where their grandparents will be conscripted after every young man is dead. Except the Jews, of course, who were helicoptered to safety and weren't quite Ukrainian I guess.
Cry more.
In the first weeks of the war, your soldiers were given sugar packets as rations and told to buy their own tampons for bullet wounds.
Where is this Russian superiority? You are nothing more than a fucking worthless meat bag to your precious leader. I pity you and your pathetic life.
History began in Feb. 2022, I take it.
"New Zeeland war follows decades of warnings that Russian expansion into Ukraine could provoke Luxemburg"
I don't think there is any grounds to talk about sacrificing citizens to Putin when Jewlensky is calling up grey haired seniors because everyone else is dead. Except for the Jews that were carefully led out of the country of course. Ukraine is already an aggressive fascist state. It's ridiculous to claim it's anything other than a globalist puppet regime sending people into a meat grinder because they refuse to accept the obvious conclusion. Not to mention many of those "fellow citizens" were ethnically Russian in those regions and were already being poorly treated by Ukraine. This entire conflict would have been avoided if western nations hadn't overthrown the Ukrainian government then used their installed puppet Jew to refuse to accept that they have zero chance of resisting Russia. Now, just like every other western war in the past century, millions of innocent people will die and absolutely nothing of value will be accomplished for anyone other than globalist billionaires.
Your mum called and reminded you to take your meds