Mental Health
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I didn't cause i had to run away just so people would listen to me and i've wanted to report them for years just been too afraid cause it's my words (depressed and suicidal) vs them so i assume nothing will be done.
That is wise. Despite how horrible it sounds, the mechanisms of society aren’t available to those with their backs against the wall.
You’ll need to climb into higher status levels of society before you can effectively carry out things like that.
First you gotta get yourself secure, then you can go out and start righting injustices.
As for the conundrum of whether anything would be done, I’ve found a lot of motivation and meaning in life from considering such things from the perspective of assuaging my conscience, rather than based on expected outcome.
They say the naive trust blindly, the cynical do not trust, and the wise choose to trust despite knowing it might not work out. If it’s been nagging at you for years, you will probably benefit from the attempt.
Obviously, get yourself as stable as possible. Maybe even share your plan with another licensed psychologist, so that if they try to muscle you based on the provider/patient status division, you have someone of equal stature to counter them.
Or a lawyer. Heck most lawyers will give a free consult and you could probably get a reasonable answer to “How can I do this and make sure I’m safe?” in 5-10 minutes.
The lawyer will probably say “If you want to be safe don’t do it” but you can say “It’s important to me that I do this” and once they understand your goal is not just safety they’ll help.