Opinion: You Are Not the Problem — Climate Guilt is a Marketing Strategy
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This is why groups like Extinction Rebellion are so important. They use non-violent protests to get massive participation and awareness, which in turn gives the politicians an issue they have to take a side on.
But I wonder how long this can last until violent protests, or even revolutions start?
There are 3 stages of protest. 1 is non violent protest rally and spreading awareness. 2 is direct Action. 3 is violent uprising. Stage 1 is done. Everyone is aware. Everyone knows everyone is aware. We are now in stage 2. If governments do not act, stage 3 is inevitable. It's not a threat, just a logical outcome.
We have to get to 3 at some point... right?
I feel like most people just do not GAF and won't do anything until it's too late (wait it already is) we should all be freaking out about climate change, I mean the planet we are living on is going to be completely fucked and most people seem to be like "eehhh"
Agreed. #3 doesn't happen until enough people's lives are impacted. That's why the riots of 2020 happened - people were unemployed and had nothing left to lose in a lot of cases