this post was submitted on 20 Jul 2023
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I still have the add-on installed and it is working just fine. If I remove it, I won't be able to re-install it.
This feels like another dishonest statement pushing users towards Edge.

Please, upvote this issue on their feedback portal and preferably, add a comment too. Spread the message to fellow Firefox users.

The add-on should be brought back to Firefox!

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[–] 2 points 2 years ago

The Wayback Machine has a copy at

I haven't tried to load it to see if it will verify (i.e., whether it's a perfect copy).

According to a cached copy of the old page, it was released under the MIT license, which would make it free to modify and redistribute subject to some minor notice requirements. So it can live on if someone wants to move it forward. (There seem to be a lot of repositories on Github, but perhaps not specific to Firefox?)