this post was submitted on 02 Feb 2025
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As a follow-up to a recent post about mail privacy, I thought it would be interesting to see what mail setup you have.

Your recommendations may also help people newer to this trend to make a switch.

Interesting information:
  • Mail provider
  • Multiple emails? Aliases?
  • Password manager?
  • All eggs in one basket or decentralized?
  • Self host?

If anyone has a good recommendation outside of the typical ones, we'll work on adding it to the upcoming wiki.

top 8 comments
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[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

I use Fastmail, previously used Proton, Mailbox and Disroot.

I have an email for IRL and one for online as well as some "masked emails" (Fastmail's equivalent of aliasing) for services I don't trust. I'm still transitioning away from Addy for email aliasing.

I currently use Bitwarden although I have been looking into 1Password and KeePass.

Decentralized, Fastmail, Mullvad, Bitwarden and Ente Auth.

Self hosting email is hell from what I've heard and I currently don't have the resources to do that anyways.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

All eggs in one basket or decentralized?

What do you mean by this? Mail host separate from domain registrar?

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

No, more like using different providers for each service. Bitwarden as a password manager, tuta as an email, filen as cloud etc etc. Putting all eggs in one basket would be using the proton suite for one example, where they provide all of those services at once.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

I see. I didn't realize all those other services came under the same umbrella as mail hosting.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Sendmail + mimedefang/spam assassin + dovecot/sieve

For calendar/contacts - Radicale

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Self hosted. It's not that hard, one of those fire and forget services that require 10 minutes a month to support. Some time ago I've also tried mailu and mailcow instead of doing it by hand, they are cool if a bit opaque.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

I use disroot as a temporary provider.

I use simplelogin for aliases.

Bitwarden is my go to password manager.

I prefer decentralized but i use disroot for cloud and email (again, temporary 🤠)

I'd self host if i had an old computer but even then i'd somehow damage it lmao.

I'd use disroot permanently if it actually had encryption and sane pricing.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago
  • Posteo
  • I use a mix of aliases and plus addressing
  • Bitwarden
  • Decentralized: Bitwarden, Posteo, Aegis
  • Nope. I did self host Bitwarden once but then switched back to paying premium for Bitwarden instead.