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Software Gore
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You should also check out these awesome communities!
- Tech Support: For all your tech support needs! (partnered)
- Hardware Gore: Same as Software Gore, but for broken hardware.
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hell yea
Not a Windows problem, just shitty IT
Really? The dialog mentions it's already group policy-managed. Might be Windows ignoring the settings or having "issues"
It just says it's managed, not Group Policy specifically. Regardless, this is a fairly shit configuration if it doesn't have a defined management period at the very least.
Is this really gore? It's just a prompt to update Windows. It even tells you right there, this is "normal".
For some people, just using Windows is gore
Using Windows for narrow casting is gore, there are far easier, more efficient methods of rendering adverts than using a whole Windows installation.
Yup, until you want to advert Windows itself
Your updates are managed by your organization
Then why the FUCK am I getting a pop-up asking me about it? That's the gore
Reverse searching the background picture on the screen it looks like the river Alster. You're probably some place in Hamburg, but its hard to narrow down further.
My 3 guesses :
1- in an HamburGer Restaurant located in a duty free zone,
2- in front of a ~~laptop computer~~,
3- inside your body, your choice !
P.S. : i just noticed the monitor in your photo is near the ceiling...
It may as well be Hamburg, Germany because of the German word for "Photo" and URL down there but why would they use an English version of Windows?
Because Germans speak English better than your average native speaker?
Eh.. Not really. The average German nowadays knows a few "trendy" English words and maybe even knows how to use them correctly but that's about it.
Idk what you average over, but I learned English in school from the first grade over twenty years ago. When I was done with school, I worked as a tutor for it too. At least the youth seems to be getting on with it alright, and in the IT world, a level of English proficiency is expected and in places even required. I can mix in English phrases if I can't think of the German one and my colleagues understand me well enough.
Sure, the other person's "better than native speakers" might be hyperbolic, but English proficiency isn't as awful as you make it out to be.
In the particular context of a Hamburg Airport sign, I think the language requirements for working in aviation mean that anyone working there will speak English. I don't think it's particularly surprising that their IT system would be configured in English at an intersection between two English-heavy industries.
Now I wanna know which elementary school you went to because they certainly didn't teach me English in mine; also about twenty years ago.
In fact, I didn't learn jack shit about English from school, I pretty much taught myself after getting in contact with the language at a young age through my relatives. As far as I can remember I only started having English classes in middle school.
It's true that a certain proficiency of the language is expected in the IT field but I'm a sysadmin and have more than enough colleagues that can't really speak English, they know the IT lingo but that's about it. I guess every company handles things differently when it comes to that; I wasn't even asked of my English skills during my job interview.
Some rural place down in BaWü. The headmaster wasn't even a fan of advanced education. I wonder how state policy may have had an impact on this. Maybe BaWü was just more bent on being internationally attractive in its education policies?
Also, my current employer's company has been internationally active and accordingly multilingual for over two decades too, from what I hear, so that might introduce additional bias.
I guess it boils down to "our country is too diverse to allow sweeping generalisations". I am glad to learn your perspective on this :)
Some rural place down in BaWü
Same here, funnily enough
What year? Mine was 2003, I think. Apparently it was just introduced back then (second heading, second paragraph).
I think mine was 2004
Reagan int'l?
That server room on the east side?