I personally have been traveling to Japan for 22 years. My first trip I was 23. If that dates me. Sigh...
Anyway, when I first went was before the smartphone. And a lot of signage and a lot of the population didn't really have a lot of English available. Getting around was a fun challenge. But we got stuck in a couple train* stations and lost a few times in the cities.To combat that I took two semesters of Japanese. So, then when I'd go I could read and speak enough to get by.
Fast forward to the Olympics and now there's English signage pretty much everywhere and Google maps gets you places and there are apps for gaijin to find anything they want based on their geolocation. Also the kids who grew up during that time picked some English up. It's a pretty friendly place to travel as a tourist now. This last trip we took last year I've never seen so many non-Japanese people between Hokkaido and Honshu. I was wondering how they were handling the influx.