Thanks for adding a small blurb about the article. This should be mandatory on all posts.
A place to share interesting articles from Wikipedia.
- Only links to Wikipedia permitted
- Please stick to the format "Article Title (other descriptive text/editorialization)"
- Tick the NSFW box for submissions with inappropriate thumbnails
- On Casual Tuesdays, we allow submissions from wikis other than Wikipedia.
- If possible, when submitting please delete the "m." from "". This will ensure people clicking from desktop will get the full Wikipedia website.
- Use the search box to see if someone has previously submitted an article. Some apps will also notify you if you are resubmitting an article previously shared on Lemmy.
My pleasure. I agree!
Agreed, this was super helpful!
I was there when it happened. At the time we recognized it as the force that was going to (and did) ruin USENET (and IRC). We did not recognize it as the force that would also ruin the entire world.
The Lemmy equivalent would be the Eternal June.
Is that correlated with students getting out of school for the summer and joining, or a different event? I have noticed a lower quality of conversation in a number of communities recently.
It's a reference to June 2023, when Lemmy saw a huge spike in users due to the Reddit API controversy.
Ah, of course! Thanks for jogging my memory. Despite the growth in users, many of the communities on Lemmy remind me of the old days of BBSes and web foraa. Hopefully the Fediverse will maintain its friendliness and usefulness as it expands.
Perhaps a second wave will be incoming, per this post about a coming Reddit paywall for some content:
I remember Eternal September and mourn the continuous death.