I have bitter memories of Ning. In 2008 a community group I was in clung to their Ning site despite me building them a far superior option. The community split between the two. In 2010 when they removed the free tier my warnings about enshitification and reliance of corporate platforms was finally vindicated but we'd already lost momentum by then.
this post was submitted on 10 Feb 2025
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A place to share interesting articles from Wikipedia.
- Only links to Wikipedia permitted
- Please stick to the format "Article Title (other descriptive text/editorialization)"
- Tick the NSFW box for submissions with inappropriate thumbnails
- On Casual Tuesdays, we allow submissions from wikis other than Wikipedia.
- If possible, when submitting please delete the "m." from "en.m.wikipedia.org". This will ensure people clicking from desktop will get the full Wikipedia website.
- Use the search box to see if someone has previously submitted an article. Some apps will also notify you if you are resubmitting an article previously shared on Lemmy.
founded 2 years ago
We tried this for an org I worked for at the time. Nobody fucking used it.