Since you are playing with the Church of England -edition, the queen can simply dismiss the bishop.
Holy hell
Other chess communities:
"Hah! Checkmate with my bishop!"
"Nope! Bishop is dismissed!"
"Aaaaw, not again"
Only if it's not a Catholic bishop
When did they add this rule? What next, can the queen en passant everyone that is 2 fields away from her?
Too late, Queen's already off the board and transphobes don't want us to turn peasants into Queens.
You know what. I'm gonna turn into a queen even harder!
What are you worried about? A bishop on a white square can't touch a queen on a black square
No, looks like someone nudged the board and the bishop is supposed to be on black, but got moved a bit.
If that's the case, then the play is to nudge the board back even harder, so all the pieces get moved and nobody is sure where anyone is supposed to be.
That's why she is dead?
I'm so sorry. I was sure i could win with her as my queen but i got hit by an en passant.
Happens to the best of us.