Can we as a people agree to stop clicking on videos with this face 😮 in the thumbnail?
Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. Available for free at
Haven't watched the video but the description states you need a smart watch to accomplish this? Seems like it'd be handy under certain use cases (you live alone and always have your watch on you) but sadly wouldn't work great with a family.
I've wanted to tackle presence detection for a while, but it seems the only feasible, universal way of doing it is with a mix of PIR and mmWave sensors. Unfortunately the cost of these sensors are still pretty high currently.
ESPresence definitely rocks. I use it at home in a similar configuration, though I use a beacon app on my phone.
did anyone tried this?
I promised to report back, so here we go.
It’s not instant so you cannot use “Walk into room activations” — Apple Watches are super finicky to get sensing properly
But overall I really like it. It helps me and the wife know where each other are in the house (my office is in basement hers is on second floor), I have some automations that I have hooked up to location. Example, my dog needs a pill at 9am and 9pm every day, so if someone goes into the kitchen at 8:45-8:59 it sends a reminder to handle the pill then. If that hasn’t been sent at 9pm then it reminds both of us.
Definitely neat, but entirely skippable for most people. It’s not going to be very effective for much other than “oh she’s in the bathroom I won’t disturb her”