They ruined my favorite show on Netflix by taking out Henry Cavil. So when they stopped account sharing I decided to not get an account and just stick with Hulu.
Might get rid of all the TV's out of the house anyway. Screw em all.
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They ruined my favorite show on Netflix by taking out Henry Cavil. So when they stopped account sharing I decided to not get an account and just stick with Hulu.
Might get rid of all the TV's out of the house anyway. Screw em all.
They didn't take him out, he quit because the writers were butchering the story
He made the right choice!
It's the second time Henry Cavil has been perfectly cast for what was supposed to be a long running role and he didn't stick around. You've got to wonder if these people just don't understand what they have. And with Superman they literally just didn't offer the role again when they decided to reboot the movies (yet again).
I grew up with Christopher Reeves as Superman and I still think Cavill is the best Superman to ever be cast
...close second 😉
Them ditching Cavill is a fucking shame. Of course, probably never really writing him a good movie is the bigger shame.
Lol I cancelled Netflix and returned to the high seas a little while ago. Turns out I don't even want to pirate Netflix shows either.
This is the thing I'll never understand about the modern streaming industry's focus on watchtime and second-screen content.
Like, guys, spending your budget on a thing I am actively NOT engaged with as a consumer is not going to help your brand. Y'all got big on prestige TV, and the kind of shows where I go "Oh this looks really good, gonna make sure it's on my watchlist". That way I'm never gonna unsub as long as I have a watchlist, the actual hours spent on platform doesn't matter.
It's becoming a graveyard of cancelled shows. When they killed GLOW, that was it for me.
Also the sound design is really bad. Everything is really 'dry' with no room reverb, sort of like how talking on telephones used to sound
The cancellations are probably their biggest problem, and it's not even one that's difficult to fix. Instead of green lighting random shows that are meant to go for an undetermined number of seasons and cancelling them when they underperform early on, do what kids cartoon networks have done for decades and green light select shows for a three season run. The showrunners know they have three seasons to resolve their plot, and viewers gain confidence that their shows will actually end and will start watching their new stuff again.
OMG right? What the fuck with the sound.
I think they're constrained by having to sound good on such a wide variety of devices, like TVs, phones, earbuds etc. And their solution is just to sound like shit on everything.
I’ll never fucking forgive them for Dark Crystal. Like holy shit I don’t think I’ve ever been move devastated to see a show get canceled.
If you don't like the price hikes CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION.
Stop with all the belly aching. They cancel all the good shows early anyway. I killed my sub years ago and it's been a great choice.
I cancelled my subscription when they stopped letting you share account login information.
The increase in cancellations was the nail in the coffin for me. But my satisfaction started to decline when they ditched the star rating system. I don’t care how many people want to claim it didn’t work a specific way or wasn’t tailored to you, etc etc. it produced many good recommendation for me with insane accuracy across the whole 5* spectrum. The binary system was, and I assume still is, shit.
Sense 8 and the OA deserved better, non subscriber, happy pirate since.
The OA was so good and then just evaporated.
There was a decent chunk of time, maybe the last decade, where Netflix successfully followed the Gabe Newell ethos: "you have to compete with free". Unfortunately, all of the media giants have caught on now to the lucrativeness of streaming and are trying to take away all of the shows and movies that drew people to Netflix in the first place.
Right. It's not really Netflix's fault that all the studios are pulling their shows from the platform. The studios are going full crazy again.
I mean, sure, but it is Netflix's fault that their strategy to fill that void is to produce garbage. Netflix saw this coming and started making original content. So they made a ton of stuff, but it's really, really tough to think of anything that was as influential as the stuff that was considered b-tier on HBO, for example.
It's hard to think of many things that Netflix has produced that are actually any good. Movies, in particular, they bring in these massive stars for the most schlocky bullshit imaginable. Even things like Witcher, which at least counts as a cult hilt, they managed to shit the bed on because the show being any good seems to have happened in spite of the writers and people in charge of it.
Tbh, when people talk about AI in creative activities, it's pretty easy to think about quite a lot of the shit Netflix churns out. Just about everything I watch that's Netflix Original really feels like it's written by an LLM.
Stranger Things was really popular. I enjoyed The Map of Small Perfect Things a lot. Otherwise, yes, their stuff is pretty bad. The Adam Sandler movies are terrible.
Give it a year or two and all they will produce is reality garbage, calling it now.
They will also remove adfree plans.
Soon we will view Netflix in the same light as TruTV. Just pure trash.
Lots of companies lately just foot to the floor with enshitification
Huh well why aren't people just canceling their subscription? I heard that after Password crackdown happened, subscriptions went up. If people aren't satisfied with Netflix, there are tons of options now. Not that we want that many.
Doing a little digging showed that subscriptions went up in cheaper developing markets. It was spin/pr.
and countries that have fewer options right? Like i know Hulu is basically only the US..
I think it's one of those we are only giving you one statistic to make it look favorable things. As a whole at least in the US Netflix revenue went down by 2 or 3 million from the previous year. Their number of accounts is going up, but if you look at where, it is in developing countries in Africa.
I just pirate everything. Works for me.
not everyone can do that
can =/= won't
Not everyone is tech savvy enough to pirate without getting trouble from their ISP.
Who says people aren't satisfied? I know, a lot of people on the internet complain about the password thing, but in real life I hear from a lot of people that it was fun while it lasted, but they'll just have to get their own account now.
I know my netflix cancellation went toward a fast usenet account. When netflix first came out, it was great and I stopped my own piracy because it was easy, convenient, and affordable to use. Then other streaming services came out and it was still convenient and I paid for those. Then they started increasing the rates, decreasing the amount of content and making the service less accessible. Well thanks guys, you drove me back to piracy as it is now easier and cheaper to get content from a usenet server than for legitimately paying for it.
wait, usenet still exists!?
I dislike that they limited sign in by location for non-mobile devices, but don't travel enough to be a dealbreaker. The reliable flexibility was one of the major selling points originally.
Why do they insist on crunching their existing customers instead of attracting new customers?
I haven't looked into them, but I'd bet they're just in a both mature and oversaturated market. There's not much they can do to gain new people, everyone knows what Netflix is across all first world markets and a corpo won't care about the others.
Basically. They’re becoming the Comcast of streaming. And Comcast isn’t exactly high on customer satisfaction.
People throw enshittification, but that ain’t it. They’re not screwing their investors. They just don’t have room to grow and need to reorg to survive.
Sure. I haven't paid for Netflix in my life (mid 30s male, American), and at this rate I don't see myself doing so. My wife and I plan to do a free trial and watch Castlevanias new series one of these weekends.
I'm guessing Elon stealth-bought Netflix and is speedrunning company destruction again. It's the only thing I can think of that makes sense.
They dominated the market. Their model REQUIRES growth to continue for it to make sense (stock ponzi) so they need to find ways to promise profits to shareholders.
They can't easily attract new customers so instead they are obligated to squeeze existing customers.
Good. I still hate how Netflix doesn't bother to buy the final season of Snowrunner. I guess it's not important to them if Netflix USA didn't have the show to begin with. Or The OA, or 1899, or altered carbon. As consumer I don't care if it's Netflix original or not, I pay for it and you lured me in with it, so it's their responsibility to deliver season finals. Well anyways since they stopped account sharing we cancelled anyways, as it was just a flat price increase for no gain.
The value of my Netflix subscription has gone down tremendously. There used to be anchor shows that would keep me excited to log on to each of these services. Now HBO canceled Vice, Vice News, Vice on Hulu, Vice on Showtime. Another issue is shows that go south. I used to be really excited for Bill Maher. Not anymore, it's a slog to watch. And the Witcher. And Game of Thrones. On Netflix I was genuinely excited for so many new projects. All gone. Everything I watch now is so fucking mid and forgettable.
I went over to youtube, and while its provided better for me, most of my favorite creators end up moving on. So now I mostly watch Nebula. Its so much cheaper. But it doesn't have the vast content that Netflix has.
I have had zero desire to use Netflix for years. I used it to watch older shows and movies so when they started losing those and making half-assed original stuff I canceled my subscription and haven't missed it one bit.