Is this astroturfing
Green - An environmentalist community
This is the place to discuss environmentalism, preservation, direct action and anything related to it!
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Unofficial Chat rooms:
No? I just want to talk about something I'm passionate about that does good for the world. I'm not associated with Ecosia in any way
I don't think a person associated with Ecosia would be posting bad Star Trek memes as much as I do
Apologies, the times have made me too cynical
Yeah, honestly I get that.
Feels like it for sure. Kinda odd for a site that's about saving the planet to want to include an LLM driven chat bot since those take lots of power to run. It's also not every day I see someone on Lemmy be excited for the inclusion of a Google product.
I'm not associated with Ecosia in any way, I just really like the work they're doing to make the planet better. For the Google Index feature, I'm personally not going to turn it on since I care about privacy (and Bing's index is nearly as good); I'm exited that they're adding features but also happy that they made it optional for people like me who care more about privacy.
For the LLM energy part, Ecosia runs their own solar farms and generates 200% of the power they use with those solar farms (read this blog post if you want to learn more).
you got me with this. I was using quant but their bangs seem to not be working anymore and last I knew ecosia still used them
Ecosia has search tags which are the same thing but with # instead of ! (so google is #g instead of !g), the whole list is here
!g and !yt are working for me in ecosia
Yeah, those are the only two I use (that and #gt for Google translate) even though there are a ton more
Thanks, nice to know. Also subbed to !, didn't know that exists.
Yeah I made the community after noticing there wasn't one, so it's somewhat new