I have added the option to set the entire magazine as +18, including remote. Please provide me with those here in the comments that require action.
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Is it possible to have separate nsfw tags for nudity Vs gore or is all gore supposed to be tagged nsfl instead. Because that was something I thought Reddit should have had different, if you turn off nsfw, you miss alot of things that are '18+' that aren't nudity. If that makes any sense.
Granularity would be awesome for NSFW tags.
It's something that took Reddit forever to do. NSFW, NSFL/GORE, and SPOILER are very important tags/filters to have.
Yes please! That's something people have been asking for on reddit for so long. Would be great to have that added early into development
Do you have plans on adding another admin to help with moderation?
Definitely, in the upcoming days, apart from staying in close contact with the maintainers, I would like a;so to build a moderation team. That is a priority. However, I first need to urgently address and take care of a few matters.
Defederate, massively
Beehaw has more than 380 instances blocked. I don't think that kbin blocks anything, where can we see the list?
edit: I see a lot of downvote. You DO understand that some instances are sharing lolita stuff and the police can close the servers of Ernest depending on what is federated? Right?
I think defederating may be knee jerk at this stage? Beehaw seems to have defederated because they vet users and are worried about unvetted users flooding their service; that's a fundamental community position rather than a fediverse issue. In this case it's more about tags not being applied correctly and how to improve that process (e.g. automation based on server or community posted to).
Defederating or blocking specific instances/servers seems like it should be a last resort - e.g. if a service is lax about moderation or refuses to deal with issues then it makes sense.
I disagree. I really think closing ourselves off to a bunch of places goes against the spirit of the fediverse. I want to be getting content from a lot of places which I can then filter out and control myself, and I feel like kbin supports that mindset well. I understand why some would want to defederate and close themselves off, but I don't want kbin.social turning into beehaw. If you're looking for a more controlled instance, join them
These platforms are still pretty early in their infancy and I don't think they were quite mature enough to take on this sudden influx of users (through no fault of anyone). There's going to be some growing pains but we'll get through it and this platform will get better from it
I don't think that you fully understand the scale of illegal stuff that is transiting on the fediverse, and by illegal I mean "FBI illegal". You don't want it stored on Ernest's servers. Some instances are blocked for a very good reason, even you would agree.
BTW I already switch to defederate and I blocked NSFW, but we all have to take into consideration the risks for Ernest, because in fine he is the one hosting the pictures.
I mean you can do it yourself. I turned federation status off for me to get a feel for kbin, interact here and see whats on here. If I get bored I might turn it back on and see what's happening in other places.
This is good imo. Let the user decide what they want to see.
How do you do that? I was looking for exactly that feature but can't find a "local list", which only shows kbin threads or something similar.
this button
I think that this button defederate your content, not the content from other instances.
if you want to block another instance, you can click on its domain name (between bracket) and block it. like you'll block usual magazine
you can also type this in your url to access a domain : https://kbin.social/d/name of the domain like kbin.social or lemmy.whatever
then you can check the magazines and domains you blocked in your profile's settings.
but it's still a bit buggy and need some work to work correctly.
EDIT: this doesn't block the instance, but only the domain. new tool coming soon, confirmed by the main dev:
domain blocking existed long before federation. It serves as a way to block sources like youtube.com, spotify.com. Blocking instances will be a separate option in the user profile soon. I will submit a pull request.
So I've gone to https://kbin.social/d/lemmynsfw.com, which pulled up that instance, but how do I then block that instance?
you click on the "crossed" O . the same way you block a magazine or an user.
https://kbin.social/m/kbinfaqs@kilioa.org is a good place for knowledge
EDIT: this doesn't block the instance, but only the domain. new tool coming soon, confirmed by the main dev:
domain blocking existed long before federation. It serves as a way to block sources like youtube.com, spotify.com. Blocking instances will be a separate option in the user profile soon. I will submit a pull request.
That federation button switched to “off” will not show content on home feed from the other instances.
I had the same question and posted it in meta, a kind user let me know and it works great. I prefer kbin’s feed.
it may have the same effect but it's not the same feature. if you block domains, like you block magazines or users, you get to have an ensemble view of all those in your user settings. that kinda make sense.
and I can't find where the instances defederated with your technique are listed. maybe you know where?
edit: syntax
EDIT: this doesn't block the instance, but only the domain. new tool coming soon, confirmed by the main dev:
domain blocking existed long before federation. It serves as a way to block sources like youtube.com, spotify.com. Blocking instances will be a separate option in the user profile soon. I will submit a pull request.
If posts are tagged nfsw, then they'll be blurred, but unfortunately people aren't consistently using the nsfw tag. Most of the nsfw content is coming from lemmynsfw.com - I've asked one of the admins over there if they can just auto-apply the tag to any post on their instance with media attached.
They replied that they are looking into it.
fwiw i blocked the lemmynsfw.com domain from view and I haven't seen a single instance of nsfw since
How do I do that? Under the federation tab and add the instance?
Idk how to do it through the settings UI, I just navigated to (nsfw warning) https://kbin.social/d/lemmynsfw.com (nsfw warning) and pressed the block symbol next to subscribe