but we want more money... And therefore deserve it. I don't see what the problem is here
- every CEO ever, I presume
but we want more money... And therefore deserve it. I don't see what the problem is here
Isn't that a novel idea. Just work to make things better and if you succeed you have profits and if you don't back to the drawing board.
Ahhh, what a world we could live in. Back to slumming I guess.
Many blind sheep hate that buzzword, but no other word describes capitalistic failure and greed like it.
The short term benefits are the reason they're doing this in the first place.
Immediate revenue and growth is the goal, long term business viability and consumer base is an acceptable sacrifice to meet that goal.
Who cares if the company went under five months after I left! When I was the CEO we had record profits
Who cares if the company went under five months after I left! When I was the CEO we had record profits
Then they re-hire you for an exorbitant price to fix the problems you created. The Bob Iger technique.
How come it is sustainable when executives or even workers are not even interested in their own product. I know a few devs at some mid sized company and they don't even care about what they are working on
There is such a huge sludge of dumb and inane softwares that inevitably some people will work on things that they don't care about.
Some people just want the paycheck and that's fine.
reddit belongs on that list
Not just companies, you’ve got countries doing epic face-plants all over as well. We’re living in the Age of Dipshits ruining stuff for everyone.
In general those countries are just three companies in a trench coat, stealing the money from citizens. US including.
Welcome to the new dark age
and you know what, it won't matter. not one bit. because people are lazy and people don't care or are indifferent.
look at reddit. big uproar....for a few days, weeks. now pretty much back to normal.
even myself, I still go back to certain communities because they don't exist elsewhere. and like someone else said it's not just software or platforms, it's people and countries, etc. etc.
it's hard to make changes and have them stick. it's even harder to convince people to leave the easy and known for the not so easy and unknown.
and I think we're going to see lots more....lots, lots more. it will be the new normal.
I still left Reddit and unity and haven't returned. Some people do care. Not everyone is indifferent.
Right here with you friend. Fuck reddit, they burned me hard by killing Sync. The most I use it is when I'm googling something I need.
Reddit is not fun
And god forbid you point out the fact that this attitude among consumers is exactly the reason these companies are brazen enough to pull this shit. People don't want to hear how their attitudes around instant gratification and focus on convenience over absolutely all else just might have consequences.
I literally debated someone yesterday over whether or not it's the consumers willingness to buy that created the demand for a product.
Dude straight up tried to argue that it's the company's fault for making a product, as if they wouldn't do it specifically because they're going to make money on it.
This website is full of kids who can't grasp basic economic principles. If everyone stopped buying, all these businesses would go under. They don't care about the social media bitching, the only way to get the message across is the only thing they care about.
Stop giving them your money.
On one hand yes, if everyone stopped buying their product then the company would go under. Just like if you just eat less, you'd lose weight
But these such oversimplifications that they lead to the wrong conclusions. You want to lose weight? Learn about nutrition, avoid triggers, and learn to cook from single ingredients. Raw willpower can work... But it's basically the worst strategy. Most people can't do it, and most of them that do regain the weight within 18 months
You want companies to stop doing consumer hostile things that destroy companies? You need to look at the small number of people making profits on the process of destroying the company
The problem with economics is that it's taught like a religion. You get nice, believable mechanisms, but not only are they not tested empirically when they're adopted, it takes decades of being obviously false for the idea to lose steam.
Inflation is an example... Wage growth is empirically not tightly coupled to it - we have the numbers, they aren't ambiguous. But you tell this to people and they'll scoff, because the commonly used model of economics says so in a neatly packaged narrative.
Voting with your wallet is the same. Refusing to buy a product does not push a company in a desired direction, they'll (accurately) see it as a pr and/or marketing problem. It's cheaper to change the minds of consumers than the build better products, it's cheaper to lobby governments than to clean up after yourself, and it's easier, more reliable, and highly profitable to reposition yourself to win big by tanking a company than it is to making it better
I fuckin hate how right you are.
Unity was the biggest stumble.
Publishers hate surprise fees, distribution platforms absolutely won't pay per download, developers (companies) are stretching budgets as it is, and the individual developers are quick to anger and will hold a grudge for eternity.
They really gutted themselves.
The stupid idea went forward despite warning from people within the fucking company, no less. All because they wanted to get some of Hoyogames (Genshin and Honkai Impact)'s juicy profits
I went to reddit for Valve memes, but now I decided to make my own community here for it. The only problem is NO ONE ELSE FUCKING POSTS!
What's the Lemmy community? I'm already subbed to sourcememes.
Edit: oh yeah that's just you. Enjoying your content and will try to post occasionally
Don't forget Hasbro trying to pull a retroactive licensing for all D&D stuff. Oh, and sending the Pikertons to harass a person that got set of cards before release by accident
Sending Pinkertons after a civilian was extremely fucked up, especially for a fuckup they made. The Pinkertons are basically a neo-nazi militia.
I still can't believe all that BS and with the escapist, losing Yhatzee must be a devastating blow to their value.
They've released a couple of his pre-recorded videos but turned off the comments. They know they fucked up. 🤣
Glad to see Fully Ramblomatic up and running, here's to hoping they thrive.
Please. A crumb of context.
The people who left The Escapist created a new channel, Second Wind. Among them is Yhatzze, who has created a new version of ZP (since that one was copyrighted by Escapist) called Fully Ramblomatic.
I mean it's a bit more complicated than that. In the past not every company had to be profitable. They were just focusing growth over everything else. But with rising cost due to inflation and rising interest rates they suddenly have to become profitable. And then they proceed to make to worst ever business decisions, to become profitable, but achieve the exact opposite.
Its simple greed and disdain for their users that they somehow believe if they begin to charge for something that used to be free the use base will simply eat it and be happy.
The problem is they arr charging for a service with attention (ads) and user info currencies that people do not value as much and cannot be easily quantified. This then makes people complacent and lets companies reach for more information, leading to the current enshitification of the internet
It's a pretty severe contradiction of capitalism: When everyone is out to extract as much money as possible, all of it is going to go to whoever the best at doing that, leaving very little for everyone else. This capital isn't being used to better the human race, it's sitting in an offshore bank account, funding far right death squads and/or genocides, or being spent on the most vile of child exploitation.
Be loyal to people, not companies.
Reminds me of reddit.
"The riskier the road, the greater the profit." ~Rules of Acquisition #62
It’s fucking incredible isn’t it
Unity has been shitty since they merged with Ironsource. They're an Ad company now (notice how mobile ads sometimes have the familiar Unity logo now? Yeah that's why)