Stegosaurus. That was a good one.
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Two weeks in a row they start with pre-taped promos. I like it. Keeps it fresh from Dynamite and sets up the show to come.
It really adds an old school feel that fits very well for Saturday night wrestling.
Yeah hope they keep this. I'm still salty they've pretty much retired Rampage's main event promos with Mark.
Who do you cheer for when you dislike both teams? 🤣
I'm firmly on team BCG.
Oof. I don't like Juice so I gotta go Starks. Eep!
TBH I think the right move is for Starks to win. I just love BCG.
Luchasauras is never touching that belt lol
This bit already makes him/Christian the best champ ever
Checking in. MJF squashes, Dustin Bleeds... What's Miro gonna do...?
Squash, I'm guessing? Hopefully followed by a quick in ring promo.
Right. I've only been watching these shows regularly for maybe a month or two since my wife only recently got me into it. And I've already noticed the trend that if they have a marquee name and says " in action" it's almost always a squash match.
Just like the other trend that a majority of the time they go picture and picture when they are out of the ring.
Yeah, great eye. The more you watch it the more predictable it becomes. But every once in a while you'll get a match where you have no clue who's going to win or how, and those moments make for great television.
BTW This place has been busier in the past. I don't know why but it's been dead the last two nights.
No worries. It's been fun wading in. I have gotten a crash course in vernacular and industry terms via my stepfather-in-law. He is a walking encyclopedia of wrestling history and is almost always up on everyone. He should have his own podcast he is so good at calling storylines and works.
We have a very active text thread during most of the shows including several other friends who watch so we are always chatting about everything from the outfits to the horrible commercials.
Tony looks so sad being shooshed. Hahah
Completely opposite reaction to being scissored lol
Game over for Anthony Henry. Poor guy is gonna feel those chops for a week.
I thought Rhodes' crossroads to piledriver was crazy…and then they go and do a Canadian destroy lol.
I like Lady Frost, with the bit I've seen her so far. But I don't see her taking this one.
You're right on both accounts haha. Lady Frost has one of the best moonsaults in the biz.
Roderick Strong has a metalcore intro... Interesting.
Samoa Joe staring down punk hard.
Punk Vs. Joe. Joe slams Strong into a chair and Adam Cole baybay comes out. They are really selling this. Been a pretty good show. Looking forward to more. It's been great to chat along and try to build a. Community here. Been hooked since seeing the first Collision live and I'm all in. Thanks for having me.
Someone told me it would probably make more sense for Taya to go over Shida and build back some momentum, saying Shida wouldn’t be hurt by a loss right now.
I could see their point, it was a valid point, and I couldn’t really disagree. But on the other hand it’s Shida, and I never want Shida to lose anything. Ever. So fuck yeah Shida wins!
Please tell me Jay's gonna grab a mic.