The answer is 178,910,723.64382
Don't ask me why I calculated that
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The answer is 178,910,723.64382
Don't ask me why I calculated that
I don't accept your answer. I know deep in my heart that it's 4.
I got the same thing on my phone's calculator. Do you think the waterproofing will get in the way when I give it the baptism it clearly needs?
That's so ugly, it can't be correct... 4 is much nicer
Glad you did though, only opened the comments to see what the actual answer was.
Ya beat me by seconds. Lemmy is truly blooming lol
I got 178,910,723.30891
My answer is superior.
Well, 4 wasn't that far off, considering.
There's a 4 in the more accurate answer. That is proof of the divine showing the truth before man could understand the full answer.
This guy apologetics.
It was only a couple orders of magnitude off.
Do we really want to live in a world where this fraction is the answer? I would like my kids to grow up knowing it's an integer
I saw three different serious-looking answers, so I punched it into a spreadsheet to get my own answer. What I got matches your answer, but with an extra 2 at the end.
Round down for simplicity. Yes, yes, I can see 4 being the easy answer.
I have a guy feeling that one of these days Zach will make the old URL format not work anymore. So here's the same comic in the new format (found by going to the next comic, then the previous)
this changes nothing and I have nothing to add, have a nice day
The product ends in a 5 so it is odd and cannot be divisible by 4.
They'd then go to war
Those damn people worshipping their rabbit god when we know for a fact the duck god is the true god! Now they refuse to believe the answer is 4.
This means war!
Pretty sure it's 4
That other number is long and complicated and scary. I looked into my heart and found that 4 was the answer that spoke to me the loudest.
"it is 4" -- Me 1:1
This checks. I estimated it to under 1/5 billion.
To the OP, some periods or commas would have been nice.
To the 4ists, Yeah. Well, ya know, that's just, like, your opinion man.
I would have said "42" and walked away
Pretty sure his theory is a hypothesis.
It's not that far off. Math philosophy gets nuts
I remember back in the day when we were all up in arms about sets
At least calculator provides answers.