A treadmill is going to be the best bang for your buck. Your probably sit all day, so sitting while your exercise isn't going to be the greatest thing in the world. You can run when you want to run, and walk when you want to watch tv.
I own a water rower. Looks stylish enough for a living room (you can store it vertically) and I believe you can buy a tablet holder for it as well. The store offers plenty of replacement pieces in case you need them.
I've used a water rower before and liked it. I'll look into that.
A jumping rope? But I don't know what LISS is
Low intensity steady state cardio
We bought a bike trainer - a Kicker Snap (it might be kick'r). It's nice because our own bikes attach to it so we never have to change seat height, etc. Just pop off the back wheel and snap it in. We use the bkool app with it for fun, but you don't have to.
Thanks! We have something similar, but it doesn't let you track mileage or anything like that. So does the app let you do that?
Yeah. It's fun because you can choose trails all around the world and the resistance adjusts to the terrain. Sometimes i ride around a lake near our house. Sometimes, when i want to get more miles than my husband, i ride down a mountain in France and i can get up to 43 mph! Without the app you can shift gears and it adjusts. There are a bunch of available apps for phone or tablet, some free and some pay. I downloaded about 5 free trials to choose the one i liked best.
That's really cool! I'll def check that out. Thank you!
I like rowing since it's lower impact than running and involves more muscle groups than biking. Although I feel like it's better for HIIT than LISS
That's what I was thinking, more muscles involved. I can't see how a screen would work with that, though, unless I rowed in front of my TV.
I bet you could mount a tablet on one
Probably so 🤔
I have an Assault fan bike. Its screen can’t be used to watch TV (if I want to do that, I put my iPad on top of the screen), but in my layman’s opinion it’s versatile enough for LISS and HIIT workouts. I used it to help rehab my elbow and shoulder last year and I use it for cardio on days that running outdoors isn’t a good idea. I’ve had a rower, but I could never get into rowing like I can with running.
If you have a bicycle already, you could look into getting bike rollers.