Screenshots of people being insane on Facebook. Please censor names/pics of end users in screenshots. Please follow the rules of lemmy.world
Are my eyes being detained or are they free to read on? Are my eyes being detained or are they free to read on? Are my eyes being detained or are they free to read on?
This comment made me break your car window on reflex.
They even titled it "word magic" lol.
It's appropriate since they believe that words are magic and as long as they say the right words, the "spell" will be cast and they will become immune to laws.
That’s probably the most sane part about It.
I think they are saying that those Words where chosen specifically because they can subconsciously affect the words users perceptions.
Not magic nor a conspiracy but there is psychological truth that different words with identical meaning can effect us differently.
Or you know, from the old (and current) French "Parent", which itself came from the Latin "Parentem". But I guess making a quick search isn't as fun as making shit up.
Nah man, that doesn't sound right. See "pair rent" is much more believable. Everyone knows that these conspiracy things always need to rhyme or sound similar or have the same letters but rearranged. Not be the same word in another language, that's just bunk.
Just in case anyone is curious-
parent (n.)
early 15c. (late 12c. as a surname), "a mother or father; a forebear, ancestor," from Old French parent "father, parent, relative, kin" (11c.) and directly from Latin parentem (nominative parens) "father or mother, ancestor," noun use of present participle of parire "bring forth, give birth to, produce," from PIE root *pere- (1) "to produce, bring forth." Began to replace native elder after c. 1500. also from early 15c.
BIG GOVERNMENT has apparently been planning this since feudalism.
OH MY GISH !!! parent comes from the Latin for to produce??? Like produce that can be shipped in ships, therefore when you are Berne’s you become produce that can be shipped on a ship, turning you in a product of the US government corp (unincorporated), which means that when you are driving you are actually being shipped as freight in your car, which means that only maritime law applies and that the cop that is stopping you doesn’t have jurisdiction because you are actually a shipped good and he isn’t the coast guard or a customs officer.
That also means that you can’t physically be charged for stuff because the shipping company (i.e. the US government) is actually responsible for all the costs incurred during shipping (i.e. you driving) under the imperial maritime charter or 1753 and the amended treaty of Orville of 1772.
That makes sense now. Thank you!!!
The Magna Carta is unconstitutional!
Fake etymology conspiracy theories (aka "word magic") are one of my biggest pet peeves.
Same people who think that a winamp visualization is actually "seeing the music".
I refuse to believe that whoever put this to print did so earnestly. Surely they at least must've known this was bullshit they were peddling to make a quick buck off some gullible rubes.
I've known a couple schizophrenic dudes that got into numerology while they were struggling. This text sounds exactly like that.
There's no information on the Internet about the author, Pao Chung. Probably just a scammer.
You know it’s funny. I keep trying to wrap my head around their beliefs; and then I hit the crazy wall and realize that there is nothing sane anywhere in there.
I invite you to enjoy Munecats documentary on the movement across the world.
The absolute best person reviewing the work of the absolute worst people.
This made me think about when you hear about someone who has a really high genius level IQ in the 180s or whatever; statistically, there must be someone somewhere who has an IQ as far below the average of 100 than the genius IQ is over it.
That's not necessarily how averages work. 80, 80, 80, 80, 100, 180.
The average is 100, but there is no "counterpart" to the 180 at the end.
EDIT: note that my sample size is way to small to perfectly describe the human population, and ~~variance~~ distribution is also impossible to represent with a sample size of 6. Obviously there ARE people way below 80 IQ; I'm just saying you can't say for sure that there must be a person around 20IQ just because one with 180 exists.
technically, IQ is by definition normally distributed with 100 as the center. But by the definition there would only be about 500 people in the world with an IQ of 20 or lower, so it breaks down because of the amount of people in an unrecoverable coma and such
Also I'm pretty sure an IQ of at little as 20 would probably be impossible to measure.
yes because the us government would OBVIOUSLY put in a hint in their wording if they really wanted to do that. just a little easter egg for us to discover
I'm pretty sure this author is a paranoid schizophrenic or something. Most of these guys are just dumb and gullible - this one is just kind of sad.
They call it that as a trick to subject babies to the regulatory structures that govern ships, which essentially says that the government can commandeer you whenever they deem necessary. Oh you think you have rights? Well in the eyes of the law, you're just another skiff with a bad attitude.
It's possible you circled the *least *bonkers part of the page.
God, I should just trip balls, write a book while I'm doing it, and sell it to these whackjobs.
Wow. A lot of talk about magic in there. Way more wiccan hippy than right wing sovcit but I guess you go far enough down the rabbit hole and they converge.
Pdf also seemed to make my CPU spike like crazy, wonder what else is embedded in there... Probably not magic
Have none of these people ever heard of etymology?
Have you ever wondered why they like to use the word etymology to describe the study of words and their origins? The word etymology sound similar to the words "A tamale, gee!," which means "A tamale you're excited about." When your pair rents signed your birth certificate, they agreed that you're a tamale.
I never understand why they say the US is a corporation? It isn't and can't be
The most sensible thing in that book is the legal disclaimer at the front.
Part of me wants to buy this book just to see how crazy it gets. But I don’t want to give the grifters money…
This mofo never had any “loco parentis” at school then
So the United States defined English did they, that's interesting, so what language did Abraham Lincoln speak prior to that?