Not everything has to be latest gen CPUs, there will always be a market for 555 timers and ESP32s
Yes, but you're asking how much cargo it can take while we're barely off the ground. Research reactors aren't set up to generate power, they're instrumented to see if stuff is even working.
Cartoonifying drugs not included?
Of course it's not spherical, it's wider at the equator and lumpy
Fuel type, specific impulse, thrust, power consumption, engine mass and volume...
The only actual metric they quoted is exhaust speed? Really? BS detector is ringing
You do realize that Russia is still actively invading Ukraine right?
Loops are required for any kind of repeating code. Some applications apply the same algorithm many times such as applying a filter to each pixel of an image, others run the same code forever like your thermostat
Weren't some of those deadlines last night? They're not signaling, they're already ignoring court orders
In spherical trig, you can make a triangle with all right angles