Nice! Glad to see they made their correction public. Not really sure how they could have screwed that up so badly though, aren’t male & female skeletons different enough that they’re recognizable? Or isn’t that a thing?
Witches vs Patriarchy
r/WitchesVsPatriarchy is a nonbinary-centered sub with a witchy twist, aimed at healing, supporting, and uplifting one another through humor and magic.
The goal is to at once embrace, and poke fun at, the mystical aspects of androgyny that have been previously demonized and/or devalued by the Patriarchy.
This subreddit is a Safe Space for Trans, Nonbinary, Gay, A/Bisexual, Intersex, and GNC people and BIPOC. We are Siblings, not Cisters. If you do not consider yourself an ally, then this community is not for you.
Rule 1: No bigotry
Rule 2: No harassment
Rule 3: No realism
I think the bones may have been in bad condition.
Here is an excellent essay that discusses some of the history and issues with sexing based on bones over the years from an anthropologist.
TL;DR: Better now, not always clear cut, had issues before 1972 of people just assuming 'male' instead of "I don't know."