Depends on your definition. I see them as hobbies or interests. Would probably need to ask someone if they are sufficiently deep.
- computers
- all kinds of automations
- psychology
- minecraft
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Depends on your definition. I see them as hobbies or interests. Would probably need to ask someone if they are sufficiently deep.
I was super into psychology for a time. Even got my degree in it. But living with my mom and being her 'therapist' killed psychology for me. Any particular element of psychology you enjoy?
Not necessarily enjoy but a lot of useful stuff. I grew up in a rather peculiar situation so it was never fun and no degree.
Particular helpful things for me were clinical psychology such as transactional analysis, knowing about mental disorders and understanding the diagnostic process.
Dont get me wrong: its very interesting and I really enjoy learning about it. Just a lot of bad memories attached to it.
World of Warcraft, but I get burned out like clockwork hah. Anime falls into my interests though I don't just watch the same show over and over instead I watch a lot of the seasonal stuff. Then between seasons (so like we're in Winter 2024 currently then going to Spring 2024) I rewatch some of the shows I really enjoy. I like photography but I'm not into photo editing. Food is something that I'm really into even though I don't follow recipes typically and I don't have real training. Oh and I can't stand watching video tutorials on food.
I'm probably really weird in that my interests are all about me directly interacting with it instead of watching someone else interact with it.
Worldbuilding (I had reason to export my onenote worldbuilding notes to a pdf recently, turns out it's over 600 pages)
Datahoarding, specifically ebooks (have over 34,000, fiction and non-fiction, classified into folders and mostly individually selected on the basis of quality although there are a couple of pre-built collections integrated in there too - nowhere near satisfied with my collection as even if you only want the best examples of something, every fictional genre or nonfictional field has subfields and subsubfields). But also to some extent emulatable games and TV shows. TV shows less so (would be happy with only a few dozen complete series, am probably getting close to "complete" to my satisfaction), but I guess my game collection is pretty big - I think I have most games up until about 1994, plus hundreds after that.
I'm currently in the process of getting an official diagnosis, which is why I have some somewhat prepared answers on the intensity level of my interests.
Rabbits, pro wrestling, voice actors. Nothing too crazy.
Food, art, tv shows, languages
Science fiction TV and film, board games, relationship theory and polyamory, sleight-of-hand magic, and party tricks (memorizing things like quotes and decimal places of pi, reading bar codes, knowing the day of the week for any date in the Gregorian calendar).