I've had a great time on Lemmy since I joined over 2y ago. But well, can't keep all the fun to ourselves, right? :) Now this place is all yours too. Welcome aboard!
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I've never heard of the term eternal september until now, that's pretty neat. Makes me wonder what 1980s usenet groups/conversations looked like. I wonder if DOS or other OS's at the time had a navigable interface for it
I was on USENET from '89-2005-ish, on various Unix versions. I used trn until strn came out; it has an amazingly useful threaded display, where you can move around posts on a big branching thread to follow replies. strn added scoring, so a file full of rules would up and downvote things (privately) so I'd only see the good stuff up top, and never see a lot of obvious garbage.
There were less capable clients for Windows & such, but if you had the choice you used a text-mode Unix client.
September That Never Ended wasn't great, AOLers were really terrible, but now the entire Internet is AOL-quality, so I doubt it'll make much difference.
Currently everyone is talking about reddit here, which really exposes why the recent wave of people is here. Prior to this it was mostly leftist shitposting mixed with general fediverse discussion. I think the Mastodon side of the fediverse likely experienced something similar in October last year, but I can't really speak to the culture before that because that's the wave that I came over in.
I will say that even though there's a lot of reddit spam right now, this amount of content and discussion is still way more entertaining than it was before. And Lemmygrad is still hanging out in their own little corner. It's just bigger than that now.